Affiliate Groups
Thunder Soccer Club
Thunder Soccer Club has provided a quality youth soccer program for the Leyden Community for the past 40 years. TSC is not a Park District program but a Sports Affiliate of the Park District of Franklin Park. Thunder is an all-volunteer program with parents & other members of the community becoming coaches and Board Members. TSC is a proud member of the IYSA, Illinois Youth Soccer Association, and was recognized in 2009 as the Top Recreational Youth Soccer Club in the State of Illinois. TSC conducts three soccer seasons, a fall, winter/indoor, and spring seasons for boys and girls from ages 3 through 8th grade. The Conventional Program includes 7 matches per season. Fall & Spring seasons feature two weekly one-hour training sessions at local parks and schools in the Leyden Area. Siblings are guaranteed to train in the same fields.
For information about the 2024 season, contact Eric Krueger at (630) 337-9637 or visit Thundersoccerclub.net
Vipers Baseball & Softball
Franklin Park Vipers provides a youth baseball and softball program for ages 4 through 16 years old for residents of Franklin Park and the surrounding communities. The Vipers organization has been a proud affiliate of the Park District of Franklin Park for over twenty years. Clinics and practices focus on ensuring that players are well versed in the fundamental skills of the sport. Experienced players are trained to enhance their pitching, hitting, and game knowledge while newer players can focus on fundamentals. Indoor clinics and practices start after registration and will continue until the weather permits us to practice outside (April 1st). Our season runs from mid-April to the end of June, consisting of 16-24 games. In addition to the regular season, we have participated in Sunday leagues, summer tournaments, Fall Ball and winter training. For more information, contact Frank Bavone at (708) 668-6673. or visit franklinparkvipers.sportngin.com