Dear Residents & Families,

As you may know, the Park District has plans to upgrade Hawthorne Park in the next two years. We were also awarded an OSLAD grant for the redevelopment of Timber Park, only one block away. Our goal is to avoid repeating the types of recreation features in both places. Hawthorne Park was at one time just two basketball courts. The smaller space at this park could be considered for a more special-use concept.
Our next step in planning was to revisit the idea lists from staff, Day Camp children and residents that were gathered last summer, exploring as many items as possible. While the space will limit what the park can actually accommodate, it is good to have many people contribute. With that goal, we would like you to consider sharing your ideas with us again via email or Facebook.
We also invite you to come to the Community Center the evening of Wednesday, February 19, 2020 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. to see a few initial design concepts and the final plan for Timber Park and let us know what you think will work best for the site.
In the meantime, feel free to email me directly with your ideas for Hawthorne Park.
Thank you!
Joe Modrich
Director of Parks & Recreation